“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”

Maduin. Dynamis. CST.

"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."
NSFW warning~ ♥



Old Enough

She / Her


rules of play.

“You truly see by not trying to see.”


Yes I am a real Female. Please don't bug me about it.
I'm English. Please don't use other languages.. I'll look at you funny.
I love the color purple.
Wolf is my animal.
Yes, I do have Snapchat, Discord and Facebook. No you can't have them.
I write poems and I read.
Other than that, you don't really need to know.
Any More?
I can be the sweetest person you meet or the weirdest. Do you take the risk?


Discord. Zonneschijn
Twitter. @FFXIV_Rayne

   About Ray.   

About the Creator
Please follow the button down below in order to see more about Ray.


Respect is a big thing. If you don't have it please don't approach me. Everything I do is based on treating everyone equal.I rather someone be true to themselves and not make something up to be in my good graces.Be unique, be interesting and please write more than a sentence at a time.


Willing to start at any theme, as long as it is original, detailed and well thought out. Very simple person though love is in the detail.I also love gposing. Please keep this in mind. I take pictures of my character in character.


No outright erp. I am not a one night stand or a sex machine. I will avoid this at all cost.God mode - I will avoid anyone with a god complex that think their character is the most powerful being on the planet.Anyone that tries to control my character through writing I will be avoiding.


"To become one with whatever one does is a true expression of the Way."

  name.    Rayne Zonneschijn
  age.    Unknown
  race.    Snow Leopard
   nameday     4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
   guarding deity.     Menphina, The Lover
  gender.     Female
  pronouns.     She/Her
  sexuality.     Bi-Curious.
Male leaning.

  height.     height here.
  weight.     weight here.
  hair color.     White with black tips
  eye color.     White.
  skin tone.     Pale with white and black leopard spots.
  notable features.     A tattoo both on her back and her hand, which her father highly disapproved of, and her white skin with the leopard spots.

  job occupation.    Princess of the Snow Leopard pack White Moon.
  place of origin.     Coethas Western Highlands
  home.    current home here (ie. name the city here)
  affiliation.     White Moon Pack
  family.     Alpha Moonfall, Luna Winter
  marital status.     Single

  likes.     Cold, Snow, warm drinks, and sunshine.
  dislikes.     Heat.
  virtues.     Live in the moment, and learn everything you can
  flaws.     Will get distracted easily

  personality.     Such as a cat, she is curious about all life, and what it has to offer. Her curiosity can get her into heaps of trouble, however it doesn't stop her. She is playful and loves to be goofy, however this can make her slack off in her duties.She is smart, and kind, and will go out of her way to help anyone in need. Though she is hard to gain the trust of, as she was taught to be cautious of every living thing.

headcanon one. She loves the snow. It is her home and where she was raised. But wants so desperately to see more of the world around her.
headcanon two. Coco? Did someone say coco? Her love of warm drinks and sunshine is just part of her playful personality.

ability one. As a Princess of the White Moon pack, she has a lot of strength in her body. They were all made to be that way, but her bloodline gives her an advantage. She is tiny but very mighty.
ability two. Like her mother before her, she has the ability to control water, snow and ice.

Growing up in the snow. I belong here, this is my home, my land, and homes all my people. People, do I really call them that? A pack of Hrothgar and Miqo mix that share the same color as me. White.
Princess of the White Moon pack, I am now stuck here.
When expressing how I want to travel and see more than just snow, my father would get angry. My mother, would understand but assure me that this is the only world I ever need to see.Looking past those mountains every day, my longing would grow and I would try to make a small get away, only to be brought back by the pack border patrols. Someday. Just wait.We don't age, only when we hit a certain point, do our looks stop changing, and our bodies stop growing, and it is then when we are trained to fight, to hold our own, and to put the pack before anything.And that is when my father starts the training process for the next Alpha and Luna.Why did my father pick him, I don't know, I don't wanna know. But I do know that now I have a nuisance following me and trying to keep me in line with that pack.Someday I will get out of here and see the rest of the world. ~

  Health.     ★★★★★★★
  Strength.     ★★★★★★★★★
  Tenacity.     ★★★★★★★★★★
  Stamina.     ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
  Intelligence.     ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
  Dexterity.     ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
  Perception.     ★★★★★★★★★★
  Charisma.     ★★★★★★★★☆☆
  Empathy.     ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

hooks & verses.

Many paths appear, but once the way is taken, it must be followed to the end

When making a friend with the princess of the White Moon pack, you gain loyalty, trust and friendship that is undying. She will protect you and keep you warm when the winter wind is blowing hard.
To make a friend you must be honest, loyal, and never change who you are to suit another.
When it comes to romance, she is not one that is easily swayed into doing anything she doesn't want to do. You will have to prove yourself, and treat her like the princess she is. She doesn't care for those that submit to her, nor does she want that kind of relationship. She is after all, looking for the next alpha for the White Moon pack.
Threaten those she cares about and you will have an enemy for life. She will fight tooth and nail to keep those she cares for safe.
If you treat her badly, she will just ignore you and move on. She doesn't need someone that treats her like she is just a piece of meat.


𝑁𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟; 𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛



  summary.     Assigned by my father to be my protector and someday future alpha. Annoying at all times.


Bad Influence.

  summary.     Brought in influence from outside of the mountain. She taught me there is more to the world than what I know


Combat Companion.

  summary.     Corrupt Oni that is trying to spread the desires onto others.